Smart Lipo Surgery

Smart Lipo : Know How This Treatment Works.
Smart Lipo surgery uses the most recent progressions in cosmetic surgery technology to provide a more secure, faster, and more cost-successful technique for liposuction. This is the reason South Korean medical tourism, board-certified Seoul dermatologist and board-certified cosmetic dermatologic surgeon; offer this energizing double procedure technology at state-certified and Medicare-certified excellent surgical center. The objective of Smart Lipo is to remove undesirable body fat and marginally fix the skin to improve body contours.
Benefits from Smart Lipo
Unwanted fat from almost all areas can be removed effectively through this local anesthetic minimal invasive procedure.Yes, you read it right, Smart Lipo procedure uses local anesthesia,so you don’t have to go completely under general anesthesia to have your fat removed.Smart Lipo process a little brushing and swelling only,so it’s easy to recover and heal.
If you are Fat Resistant to Exercise and Diet and wants to remove unwanted stubborn fat from your abdomen,thigh,arm,love handles or any other mini areas then Congratulations , you are perfect fit for Smart Lipo.
Candidates for Smart Lipo :
- In good health condition overall.
- Don’t have enough time for post-care and recovery process.
- Scared of traditional liposuction but have a desire of firm body.
- Scared of General anesthesia or sleep sedation.
- Looking for an immediate results of fat reduction.
Differences between Smart Lipo and Traditional Lipo
Both the procedures are extremely effective though they are technically different in procedure and healing time. Let’s see the differences.
Technique: Traditional lipo employments physical control and a cannula to suction your fat from beneath your skin. Smart Lipo employments laser warm or any liquid through injection for liquefying or softening the fat to remove.
Sort of method: Smart Lipo is considered less intrusive than traditional liposuction.
Candidacy: Smart Lipo is more adapted to people inside 20 percent of their perfect body weight and is as it were struggling with a persistent work out- and diet-resistant take of excess fat, whereas traditional liposuction can offer assistance individuals who have more volume they’d like to reduce.
Healing: Traditional lipo can have a small longer recovery time with a few swelling, bruising and soreness that may final a few weeks. Smart Lipo usually provides a faster recovery, but you still need to usually hold up for a number of weeks for strenuous activities.
What is Smart Lipo Surgery?
The Smart Lipo Surgery procedure is the mainly laser-assisted liposuction procedure and was approved by the FDA in November 2006. Since this time, this laser liposuction procedure has immediately been marked the front line procedure in cosmetic surgery and achieved exceedingly positive evaluations from patients and unprejudiced site audits.
As indicated by Smart Lipo Surgery Producer, the Smart Lipo Surgery system has rapidly turned out to be a standout amongst the best liposuction procedures in the cosmetic surgery field for its use of progressive technology.
Areas that can be improved by Smart Lipo are?
Smart Lipo can be used anyplace customary liposuction is used and is perfect for liposuction touch-ups for the individuals who may have had conventional liposuction with imperfect outcomes.
Since the Smart Lipo Surgery cannula is so little, this laser liposuction procedure can be performed on these troublesome areas:
- Back
- Bra strap area
- Thighs (saddle sacks)
- Knees
- Upper arms
- Upper abdomen
- Lower abdomen
- Chin
- Neck
- Hip
- Areas of loose and heavy skin
Smart Lipo laser liposuction works best on smaller areas of fat that can be immediately liquefied and effortlessly evacuated.